
The theme for the next issue is Regenerative Landscapes. The issue is planned for Nov 04, 2024 and authors are invited to submit abstracts by Aug 09, 2024 and full articles by Sep 23, 2024.

Guidelines for Authors

Article Content

  • Articles should generally be about 2000 to 3000 words of text supported by annotated graphics and/or illustrative images. 
  • Reviews and commentary can be shorter in length (see below).
  • Articles should start with a short summary of no more than 200 words. A French version of the summary must also be presented. (The DeepL translation application can be used).
  • Content should relate to the theme of a particular issue and provide relevant critical thinking.
  • Content should be objective, stimulate debate and contribute to the theory of a particular discipline or topic.
  • Articles that are purely descriptive, or merely promote the author's work will not be considered.


  • Articles must be submitted in English (UK English spelling format).
  • A short French summary of the article should be submitted. Articles that are in French should be submitted with an English summary.
  • Articles must be in an accessible vocabulary for a broad readership, and jargon avoided. Articles must be submitted in MS Word, either .doc or .docx format.
  • Foreign words and botanical names must be in italics.


References used in articles must use the Harvard convention for citations.


Visual material is encouraged. Illustrations to be submitted separately in JPG, PNG or PDF format, at a high quality resolution. i.e. 300 dpi.

The desired position of the graphic in the text to be indicated by means of a figure number. The source of all graphics and photographs must be indicated.


  • Where previous copyright exists, authors must obtain the relevant permission, and submit this with the article.
  • If the article has been published in whole or in part elsewhere, or submitted to another journal for consideration, authors must confirm that permission has been granted to publish the article in AJLA. Responsibility and liability rests with the author, and not AJLA, for obtaining copyright permissions.
  • Proof of consent must be obtained for any graphic or photographic material that is not the author's own work.
  • Where articles are accepted for publication, copyright is given to AJLA. (Authors retain the original copyright).


Commentary articles should not exceed 1500 words. Articles that are critical and provide stimulating insight into design thinking, theory, research, education or professional practice are welcome.

Book Reviews

Book reviews should generally not exceed 1000 words in length. They should include a description and critical assessment of of the book’s contents, and their place within the larger context of the topic. Examples of key illustrations could be included. The following format is recommended at the beginning of the review:

  • Author or editor and date
  • Title of the publication
  • Publisher and place
  • Price in Euros
  • Number of pages and illustrations
  • Reviewed by: (reviewer's name and affiliation)

Conference, Symposium and Webinar Reviews

Conference reviews should generally not exceed 600-800 words. The following should be listed at the beginning of the review:

  • Title or theme of the conference
  • Place and date of the conference
  • Responsible association (e.g. IFLA)
  • Reviewed by: (reviewer's name and affiliation)

Abstracts, articles, reviews and commentary can be sent to The Editor, AJLA, via email:

Next Journal Theme

Nov 2024

Regenerative Landscapes

Article Deadline:

Monday, September 23, 2024

Call for Submissions

AJLA Issue 0
Regenerative Landscapes
is now open for submissions.
Learn More